廣橋 契

ベーシスト, 作曲家

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1999年生まれ、千葉県千葉市出身。幼少期は教会の合唱隊に所属、讃美歌やゴスペル音楽を身近に聴いて育つ。中学生からアコースティックギターを独学で習得。千葉市にあるインターナショナルスクールCovenant Community School Internationalを卒業後、2018年国際基督教大学入学と同時に同大学ビッグバンド、モダンミュージックソサイエティに入部、コントラバスとジャズに出会う。以来、都内の大学・セッションバー・ライブハウスなどに足しげく通い、演奏経験を積む。2022年度は、国立音楽大学Newtide Jazz Orchestraのメンバーとしても活動。ジャズベースを楠井五月氏に師事。大学卒業後は、都内を中心にライブやセッションなどの演奏活動を行っている。

Kei Hirohashi

bassist, composer

Born in 1999 in Chiba Prefecture, Kei Hirohashi spent his formative years as a member of the church junior choir, immersing himself in hymns and gospel music. It was during middle school when he started to play the acoustic guitar. Following his graduation from Covenant Community School International in Chiba, he entered International Christian University in 2018. Simultaneously, he joined the university’s Big Band, “Modern Music Society”, where he was introduced to the double bass and jazz. He also played as a member of Newtide Jazz Orchestra, a Kunitachi Conservatory of Music big band. Under the tutelage of Satsuki Kusui, he delved deeper into the realm of jazz bass. Post-graduation, he has continued his musical endeavor, engaging in performance activities such as live gigs and sessions primarily around Tokyo.